18: Lotus of the Divine Mother
21: Shiva Mala Arani-Agni Lotus
This Lotus Light EssencesTM is a high potency to reconnect the soul with its origin in heaven. Heaven streams into the body again. Energies in the body which were not flowing anymore because of the disconnection from heaven start to flow again and to heal.
Many problems manifest due to the grief over the loss of heaven. The lotus of heaven can be used in case of grief, during the dying process and during times of transition.
Through the lotus of heaven the patient feels supported and safe.
The lotus of heaven gives the feeling of safety.
The Lotus of Earth helps to heal the aspects within which are missing grounding. When using it, you may feel that aspects that you have carried with effort before flow down into earth. The Lotus of Earth has to do with basic trust.
This lotus lies cosily in the earth and it knows that it is being carried and supported by earth. It does not need to carry, it is being carried – the Lotus of Earth provides this feeling of being carried.
Through feeling being carried and supported, aspects with which we burdened ourselves and which might have caused illnesses fall away. A primal feeling arises that we are being carried and safe and that everything that we need comes to us. Thousand layers fall away from us when we take the Lotus of Earth Light Essences.
The Lotus of Earth can be used for giving new-born babies a good grounding by putting it into the bathing water. And also for new projects: Through the Lotus of Earth we can flow with the creative cycle and the former stress which came from the feeling that we have to do everything by ourselves dissolves – because the lotus opens up to receive, it opens our devotion and lets us understand birth with a new deep sense of safety.
The Yin Lotus heals the unredeemed aspects of the yin meridians. Half of the meridians of the human body are yin meridians. The Yin Lotus can be used when the female patterns are hurt. The Yin Lotus goes into the yin meridians and the organs which are connected to them and deeply heals the female patterns which have a lot to do with flowing, receiving, expanding ...
The Yin Lotus goes into the depth, heals the female patterns and opens up for receiving the female energy.
The Yang Lotus is counterpart of the Yin Lotus – it heals the male patterns. It works through the yang meridians and the connected organs and heals there.
When taking the Yang Lotus, it can happen that many thought patterns which were produced by the yang energy collapse and a new understanding of leadership arises – guidance from god for mankind.
The old male image will be rewritten. The feeling of pressure to create by ourselves changes to creating in unity with the holy spirit, the divine male power.
It gives new impulses. Through the overdominance of male energy, power or control intuition cannot be received anymore and diseases can manifest in the body. In this case the yang lotus helps to heal these disease patterns and to enter a new cycle.
The Metal Element Lotus affects the metal element in the body, works through all meridians. With this heavenly potency the metal element in the body and all topics that are related to it receive healing.
The Metal Element Lotus brings the metal element in the body into balance by connecting it to the pure spiritual metal element energy.
The Water Element Lotus is related to all topics of the water element in the body, it makes the water element flow again through the meridians and heals the water element in the body by connecting it to the pure spiritual water element energy.
The Wood Element Lotus is related to all topics of the wood element in the body, it makes the wood element flow again and heals the wood element in the body by connecting it to the pure spiritual wood element energy.
The Fire Element Lotus affects the fire element in the body, works through all meridians. With this heavenly potency the fire element in the body and all topics that are related to it receive healing.
The Fire Element Lotus brings the fire element in the body into balance by connecting it to the pure spiritual fire element energy.
The Earth Element Lotus is related to all topics of the earth element in the body, it makes the earth element flow again and heals the earth element in the body by connecting it to the pure spiritual earth element energy.
The Lotus for the Brain Waves revives neural links, it helps to balance brain waves and to heal diseases which developed due to the brain waves.
It can be applied for children for example to help them to adapt to new brain waves which stream differently than before because of the spiritual light that flows to earth more and more.
The Lotus for the Brain Waves can also be used for older people when the brain waves do not flow anymore as they could, so that universal knowledge can be received again. A disease that occurs from blocked brain waves is Alzheimer which results from the person’s refusal to open up and follow divine creative impulses.
This lotus affects the solar plexus and the nerve fibers. It helps to adapt to the sunlight. It streams and envelopes the nerve tracks deeply with peaceful light. It also flows through the spine.
It can be applied for nerve diseases and when people have difficulties to adapt to the increasingly incoming spiritual light.
Through affecting the nerve tracks in the solar plexus it equalizes emotional patterns. Negativity dissolves and gives way to the trust that comes with the sunlight.
The Sun Lotus is warm and soft and streams the body with a warm flow.
It works like a reboot so that soul information can flow in in a new way. By setting a zero point, it opens up new possibilities of healing, new creation can happen. It offers important chances of healing because suddenly information of the soul that were blocked before can flow in, so that the integration of aspects of the soul in the body can happen and healing can take place in a way it was not possible before.
The Zero-Point Lotus is very powerful – that’s why it needs pre- and post-care.
The whole knowledge of the elves is woven into this lotus. The elves are wonderful helpers for our physical body. The knowledge of the elves is a golden light which helps to generate healing energies which the human body did not manage to create by itself to connect itself to the soul.
The Lotus of the Elves Light Essence weaves aspects of the physical body and the soul together which could not be woven together before – and in this way releases new impulses of healing. Gaps between the body and the soul light are being filled with a golden web of light.
This Lotus Light Essence flows through the whole body and creates nets through which healing impulses flow.
The Magnesium Lotus contains fire, it burns the light in the body free and helps to integrate spiritual light in the body.
By affecting the burning processes in the physical body it supports its metabolism, working on a high light level, so that the body, the light in the body and the burning processes in the body can enter a new cycle.
It connects the body to the spiritual light, helps to release the own inner light and through this healing can happen.
The Sulfur Lotus revives / activates the archetypes!
Sulfur was a fundamental element for the creation of planet earth. It is an element that stimulates the creation of earth.
The Sulfur Lotus revitalizes the archetypes and heals the archetypes in our body. Each one of us is connected to archetypes of creation principles. If they are blocked, then aspects of power are blocked, we cannot live our own power, we feel powerless instead.
The high potency of the Sulfur Lotus helps to dissolve the blockades of aspects of power which have caused the feeling of powerlessness or manifested as illness. Archetypes are being activated and can be felt as aspects of one’s power.
The Sulfur Lotus is used for states of exhaustion, it stimulates the pulse of creation which is connected to power.
And the Sulfur Lotus also promotes finding of visions!
The Christ Light Lotus has a wonderful copper color, it is connected to the Venus and balances strong emotions. Strong emotions create a strong amplitude, a wave with high heights and deep depths. The Christ Light Lotus equalizes this emotional wave – if the wave is rising too high, it calms it down, if it is too low, it raises it up. At the same time the Copper Lotus clarifies the emotional body, so that impulses from the universe as well as from the body can be perceived more clearly.
The Christ Light Lotus is connected to the heart, is connected to the Venus and love and carries the light of Christ. So it can be used for matters of the heart.
Many blockades in the body and diseases of the body manifest because of having refused enlightenment at earlier points of time. The Enlightenment Lotus helps to heal this refusal and to allow enlightenment in a new way – as a soft flow of heaven and earth.
Enlightenment means the merging of heaven and earth. Refusing these powerful energies resulted in living against ourselves, becoming self-destructive by attracting negative energies which do not really belong to us.
The Enlightenment Lotus helps to dissolve this blockade and to go into a soft flow of enlightenment to merge with the heavenly bliss.
18: Lotus of the Divine Mother
High potency of the divine mother which is given when the mother principles in the body are disturbed, when the motherly principle is refused.
It brings back safety, the safety of being safe and home within yourself.
When the motherly principle was disturbed during childhood, then the divine mother lotus helps to establish an inner mother who is connected to the divine mother.
Through this the client starts giving himself what he missed to get: safety, security, being nourished. A motherly principle of self-care, self-healing arises.
The Sai Baba-Agni Lotus carries aspects of Sai Baba and Agni: healing through mercy, miracles and grace. The Sai Baba-Agni Lotus is of golden-black light. It can be used when the time is right for the client, when his soul is ready for it.
Agni, Sai Baba have made so many preparations for this time now together with Jesus during the last two thousand years and now come these three avatar lotuses (number 19, 20 and 21) to complete these, so that body and spirit, heaven and earth become one.
Lotus of unity with the fire. It is used when there are resistances to take the last step – into unity with the fire. The Babaji–Agni Lotus carries high creativity, creation power, fire and is being applied when the last step is missing to give the fire space within the soul again.
It is primal sacredness – because the one who returns into fire, returns to himself.
Agni and Babaji watch over and guide the beings until their soul is ready for the unity with the fire. After having stepped into unity with the fire, the soul burns joyfully by itself.
21: Shiva Mala Arani-Agni Lotus
The Shiva Mala Arani-Agni Lotus dissolves karma which can manifest in the body as disease and replaces it by joy. The karmic aspect is being deleted through this high potency.
To be able to adjust to the new energy status without a certain karma and to learn a new life pattern, the client might need to receive healing work before and after applying the Shiva Mala Arani-Agni Lotus.
Power Lotus Co., Ltd.
No. 5, Wenquan, Neighborhood 14, Jinlun Village, Taimali Township, Taitung County 963005,
Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Phone: 089-772-281 © Power Lotus Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.