Contents of the 15-day "ACC Golden Age" training

"ACC Golden Age"  are being trained in the holy tradition of Agni. Admitted are those graduates from “The Path into Light®” to whom it has become clear at the end of the seminar that this training is part of their spiritual development.

Access-level is the 8th Chakra, the “level of natural law”, where the consultants can receive solution-oriented information, receive knowledge, perceive the flow of energies and transform it according to natural law.

Main topics of the training:

Spiritual Consulting

This makes it possible for the Alpha Chi Consultant® to professionally accompany people on their path of life. The spiritual consultation frees people from bonds, projections and wishful thinking and leads them result-oriented directly towards the goal and also towards realization on a higher level.

Energetic Feng Shui

The participants learn to perceive energies in buildings and landscapes and also to immediately change these energies by using energetically active symbols.

Through this practice energetic ballast is allowed to flow off and to be transformed. Factors dangerous to your health such as electric fields will be closed off, and the life-energy (Chi) will be attracted and elevated according to the needs of the user.

Old places of power will be healed, new places of power will be installed and big scopes of landscape will be harmonized.

The work with clients will be greatly supported through Body Feng Shui. With Body Feng Shui it is possible to dissolve old baggage and replenish the body’s own chi.

Death Accompaniment

Bound souls will be guided into the light according to their own development.


with minerals, plants, animals and the spiritual world (angels, devas, guiding forces)

The training for Alpha Chi Consultants® is very practical. Since the access to the “level of natural law” within the 8th chakra is accessible from the beginning of the training, it is possible to immediately put into use what one has learned and to incorporate it into ones business life from day one.

The final examination at the end of the training allows the participants to carry the registered title “Alpha Chi Consultant®”.

International "ACC Golden Age" training 2020 in Jinlun

ACC group 18: 2020/9/16-20, 2020/12/9-13, 2021/3/10-14

Power Lotus Co., Ltd.
No. 5, Wenquan, Neighborhood 14, Jinlun Village, Taimali Township, Taitung County 963005,
Taiwan (R.O.C.)
  Phone: 089-772-281   © Power Lotus Co., Ltd.   All rights reserved.