it hurts to bemyself. Being myself means to overcome borders, to leave my familiar space, toput out my feelers to the "outside", to where I don't know what I will meet -insecurity, fear, being afraid of the cold, of collisions. I am standinghere in my room, grew big, too big for this cage. I need air to breathe,freedom, I want to see the sky, feel the sun, want to breathe freshness, notstuffiness. The spacearound me became too small. I long for more space. To reach out myarms towards the sky I need space. This is my inner urge. I want to bemyself - that's the goal, that's it, that is what it is all about. To be myself isshaking others. My growing strength causes fear to some, encourages others. Those who areafraid of changes perhaps turn away from me. This makes me being afraid oflosing them. They blame me for being self-centred, egoistic. In their eyeseverybody who is different, than they want him or her to be, is an egoist. Yet, I justwant to follow what is true for me. Truth is frightening. Truth is, that I amboundless, light that shines, love that is, eternal. Thus it isabout taking a decision - for my path, my truth, my yearning, my love. Or forwhat the others want me to be, for being like the others, for remaining stuckin my fears, for waiting, for staying trapped in the net of the others'expectations. No! My heartcries for space - I am free, I am no slave of others, no slave of my own fears. I live myself,follow myself, discover myself while going my own way. I go my path of truth asgood as I can, I pray, hope, trust in your guidance, dear God. Please show methe way, escort me, protect me, bring me home, to paradise, to where everythingis good, to where I am completely me again, being with myself, resting inmyself, being with you, resting within you, Lord. Amen. (Written by Sam Yun for the monthlyprayer evening in the Lotus Shakti Center, Taipei, 10/5/11)
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