Maha Lotus Healer training

We are inviting the healers of Asia!

For ages many healers all over Asia could not freely live and work as a healer.
Being a healer meant and means to help people to become complete, to become
strong, to become conscious of their inborn powers, to remember that from the beginning of our existence we are heal, complete, that then during our journeys we experienced hurts and forgot our completeness and today
remember our divine origin again, live and share our gifts that we bring to earth from heaven.

The Maha Lotus Healer training with Sun Ya and Sam Yun in Taiwan helps the healers to heal first, to free themselves from old restrictions and memories of not being allowed to unfold their healing potentials.

First the healers heal, then the healers are really able heal others!

Healers from Asia, you are welcome to remember yourselves, to learn ancient and new spiritual healing ways from the lotus heavens!

When the healers rise, then people and whole societies can heal, then we find new ways of living together peacefully.

Photos of group 1, 1st block, 2012/2/27-3/4

Here you will soon find information on the 12-day Maha Lotus Healer training. 

Power Lotus Co., Ltd.
No. 5, Wenquan, Neighborhood 14, Jinlun Village, Taimali Township, Taitung County 963005,
Taiwan (R.O.C.)
  Phone: 089-772-281   © Power Lotus Co., Ltd.   All rights reserved.