Welcome to the Lotus Shakti Center!

The Lotus Shakti Center is a spiritual center in Agni's Tradition of Holy Fires in Jinlun
situated approx. 35 km to the south of Taitung on the picturesque East coast of Taiwan. We call it "Center of Light".

It is a center for all those who want to remember their own light and want to unfold it. All religions are welcome.

The Lotus Shakti Center was founded by Sam Yun Wolferdorf and Sun Ya Fischer in 2005. The lotus is an expression of pure Divine love. "Shakti" is a word of the old Indian language Sanskrit which means Divine Mother.

Please find below more information on our varied offer.

Yours sincerely,

Sam Yun Wolfersdorf and Sun Ya Fischer

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Power Lotus Co., Ltd.
No. 5, Wenquan, Neighborhood 14, Jinlun Village, Taimali Township, Taitung County 963005,
Taiwan (R.O.C.)
  Phone: 089-772-281   © Power Lotus Co., Ltd.   All rights reserved.